Building Better Business Cases Through Modelling: How ADONIS Models Increase Understanding of Complex As-Is Processes and Highlight Optimization Potentials

Chargement Évènements
  • How process models in BPMN 2.0 make the complexity of as-is processes visible
  • How a modern modelling tool supports the simple representation of BPMN 2.0 models and at the same time makes them readable and attractive
  • How you can use attributes of individual process steps to noticeably increase process understanding and support the collection of process costs
  • How to perform meaningful analyses of processes and identify savings potential for business cases

The ongoing digitalization in the banking sector hasn’t stopped with BEKB. In fact, it has only accelerated further during the pandemic.

Bernd Reinshagen shows us a typical process optimization trajectory followed by many financial service providers, which has not always led to optimal results in the past. Textual descriptions of the actual situation sometimes reached their limits in terms of comprehensibility and completeness. Thus, evaluations of the criticality of an optimization measure were sometimes difficult.

An extension of the business case documentation by graphical process models from ADONIS has significantly increased this understanding. Inefficiencies in processes can now be easily identified visually. Different regional or structural process variants can be quickly and efficiently recorded and compared.

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