Privacy Policy


BOC Products & Services AG (hereinafter: BOC Group) takes your privacy very seriously. As we are obliged to comply with regulations for the protection of personal data as well as data security, we strictly adhere to the rules of data protection law. Personal data will only be processed for the intent stated in the service descriptions and under this privacy policy. All service descriptions and the processing activities are documented to the best of our knowledge.

The following declaration provides an overview of how BOC Group assures the protection of data, what kind of data we collect and for which purposes the data in the context of BOC Group websites, services and applications is processed.

This privacy statement is constantly updated to reflect our processing activities and changing legal requirements. We therefore ask you to regularly inform yourself about the handling of your data on this page.

Responsible Body (Controller) and Contact

BOC Products & Services AG

1040 Vienna

Operngasse 20b | Austria

Website Activities and Logfiles

BOC Group automatically collects and saves information in its server log files for the purpose of optimizing user experience and improving the technical characteristics of our websites.

The following information is transferred by your browser:

  • Browser type and version
  • Operating system
  • Referrer URL
  • Source IP address
  • Time of server query
  • Specific web ressource that was visited

Purpose of Data Processing

Storage in log files is required to ensure the functionality of the websites and to improve our websites.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for temporarily storing of the data and logfiles is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for up to six months.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

This data is not passed on to third parties.

Terms & Conditions Confirmation Log

Due to legal obligations to provide evidence on users accepting the terms & conditions, we store the data provided by you in the respective form (form of address, first name, last name, email address, telephone, company, address (street and street number), postal code, city, country, VAT number) as well as the context in which the terms and conditions were accepted in a log file, if your consent for processing operations or to our terms and conditions was given.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for the longer duration of either

a) up to seven (7) years after the last acceptance of the terms and conditions or acceptance of a processing operation; or

b) up to seven (7) years after the end of an active contractual relationship.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

This data is not passed on to third parties.

On this website, data is collected and stored by our Visitor Recognition Provider for marketing, market research and optimization purposes in order to identify companies that show interest in our products.  

For this purpose, a javascript-based code is used to collect company-related data and the corresponding usage. The data collected using this technology is encrypted using a non-reversible one-way function (known as hashing). The data is immediately pseudonymised and not used to personally identify the visitor to this website.  

Objection against the collection and storage of data is possible at any time with effect for the future by clicking on this link to prevent Visitor Recognition Provider from collecting data on this website further. An opt-out cookie for this website will be stored on your device by clicking the link mentioned above. If you delete your cookies in this browser, you will need to click this link again. 


Purpose of Data Processing 

We use this data to understand how our services are used by our users and to adapt and improve our services to certain user behavior and to increase IT and network security. 

Furthermore, this data may be used to provide you with personalised offers on our products according to your usage (direct marketing). 


Legal Basis 

The legal basis for this processing is the legitimate interest of BOC Group Art 6 para 1 lit. f GDPR in the aforementioned processing activities. 

Our legitimate interests are to generate data for marketing, market research and optimization purposes. 


Storage Period 

The data stored by our Visitor Recognition Provider will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for its intended purpose and the deletion does not conflict with any statutory retention obligations. 


Recipients or Categories of Recipients 

The data is processed through our Visitor Recognition Provider. 

Further processing activities

BOC Group offers several services on its online platforms, such as newsletter service, trainings and e-learning or software try-outs. In order to be able to use these services, additional data is collected. Detailed information about which data is processed for which purpose can be found in the descriptions of the individual processing activity:

Self-Service-Software Subscription

BOC Group offers a variety of cloud-based software solutions on its websites. Depending on the type of service, different personal data is processed.

  • The BOC Academy Programme is focused on educating students in Business Process Management or Enterprise Architecture. To lecturers the programme provides lecture content, access to the Business Process Management and Enterprise Architecture community, and free, cloud-based, multi-user accounts of BOC Group’s Business Process Management tool ADONIS or BOC Group’s Enterprise Architecture tool ADOIT for use in teaching at academic institutions worldwide.
  • The ADONIS NP Starter Edition is a fully-preconfigured professional edition of BOC Group’s Business Process Management tool ADONIS, available exclusively as Software-as-a-Service. It can be ordered online in self-service with credit card payment and is based on a monthly subscription for recurring payment.
  • ADOIT/ADONIS Community Edition is a free, cloud-based, single-user version of BOC Group’s Business Process Management tool ADONIS or BOC Group’s Enterprise Architecture tool ADOIT with a restricted feature set.
    ADONIS/ADOIT Community Edition is only available for ADONIS/ADOIT Community members. The table below gives you an overview of the data collected by registering for the ADOIT/ADONIS Community.
    The ADONIS/ADOIT Community is an online platform for people interested in Business Process Management or Analysis (BPM / BPA) or Enterprise Architecture (EA).
    This platform allows registered people to interact with each other, exchange ideas and opinions, and provides ADONIS/ADOIT Community members with a free cloud-based software account, the Community Edition of ADONIS/ADOIT.
    The membership to the ADONIS/ADOIT Community is concluded for an indefinite time period and can be cancelled by unsubscribing from the ADONIS/ADOIT Community membership list.
    By unsubscribing from the ADONIS/ADOIT Community the ADONIS/ADOIT Community Edition expires. ADONIS/ADOIT Community members receive free access to selected e-learning content. Further information on data processing in this regard can be found in section Trainings and E-Learning.

The following table gives an overview of which data can be processed in which software service.

Academy (Lecturers) Starter Edition Community
Provided through User
Form of address x x x
First name x x x
Last name x x x
Email address x x x
Telephone x x x
Company x x
Address (street and street number) x
Zip, City x x
Country x x x
VAT-No. x
Software language x x x
Account content data x x x
User type x
Anonymous statistical data x x x
Account start and end date x x
Account start date x
Payment status x
Payment history x
Invoices x
Language (for communication) x x x
Subscription status x x x
Assigned BOC operation x x x
Statistical data about email consumption and behaviour x x x
Recipients or Categories of Recipients
  • CRM System
  • Transfer Interface
  • Mailing Service Provider
  • Hosting Service Provider
  • Subscription Service
  • Payment Service Provider
  • Transfer Interface
  • CRM System
  • Mailing Service Provider
  • Hosting Service Provider
  • CRM System
  • Transfer Interface
  • Mailing Service Provider
  • Hosting Service Provider
Usage and log- information (for details on this processing activity, see section “Usage and log- information in ADONIS/ADOIT Community Edition” below) x

For Academy Accounts, additional course information (course name), account start and end date, course start and end date, software language, number of lecturers, number of students), use case scenario and institution information (institute/university, city, country) are collected.

All Users can receive service-related information via email through the Mailing Service Provider.

Therefore, we process the following data via the Mailing Service Provider

  • when we sent which message to you,
  • if you’ve opened these,
  • whether you clicked on links and if so which ones.

After submitting the form, users may receive personalized communication according to their expressed field of interest. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your data is necessary for the performance of a contract as well as for tax and company law obligations.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b and c GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the mentioned data in principle for up to 7 years after termination of the Software Subscription. Notwithstanding the foregoing, personal data for which BOC Group is subject to a legal obligation to retain or document shall be stored for the prescribed period.

Content data are available for download after termination of the software subscription in accordance with the contractual agreement (e.g.: 6 months in the Starter Edition) and are then automatically deleted.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

The data required for payment processing (credit card holder, credit card number, expiry date (month), expiry date (year), CVC) are collected and processed directly by the Payment Service Provider.

The Software Subscription is processed through the Subscription Service.

Your data is written to the CRM System via the Transfer Interface.

BOC Group uses the Hosting Service Provider and the Fallback Data Center to provide the hardware infrastructure.

In addition, your data will be processed by the Mailing Service Provider.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document.

Optional Surveys

BOC Group includes survey links to its cloud-based software applications and to the lifecycle mailing in software subscription management in order to collect feedback on service quality and customer needs and expectations. Please refer to section “Optional Surveys”.

Usage and log information in ADONIS/ADOIT Community Edition

BOC Group collects and stores certain information about your behavior when you use the Community Edition.

We analyze which functions of the services are used by which users and to what extent, and how user behavior changes over time. Information about your activities will be combined with your account details. You might be contacted based on your activity.

At the latest three years after deactivation of your Community Edition account, the collected activity data will be anonymized. (Deactivated accounts can be reactivated after up to three years upon request)

Purpose of Data Processing

We use this data to understand how our services are used by our users and to adapt and improve our services to certain user behavior and to increase IT and network security.

Furthermore, this data may be used to provide you with personalized offers on our products according to your usage (direct marketing).

Legal Basis

The legal basis for this processing is the legitimate interest of BOC Group (Art 6 para 1 lit. f GDPR) in the aforementioned processing activities.

Our legitimate interests are to increase the IT and network security, to inform the users of our services about new products (direct marketing), and to improve our services and make them more attractive.

Storage Period

BOC Group keeps the data for up to three years after deactivation of your account. After that, this data can be processed anonymously by BOC Group.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Your data is written to the CRM System and will be processed through our Hosting Service Provider.

Online Ticketing System

BOC Group handles incidents, service requests and other client-related tickets through an Online Ticketing system that provides customers direct access to status information and creates transparency and ease of communication. To do so, a user with the provided email address is created when submitting a ticket for the first time. Subsequent submissions of tickets will be linked to this user.  Users can also register to the Online Ticketing system to monitor the status of submitted tickets at any time. With registration, we additionally process data that is entered in the  registration form.

When tickets are related to an account managed by an organisation, we will link these tickets to that organisation. This allows the account owner and/or the contact persons assigned to support cases from that organisation to have access to all tickets within their organisation.

We point out that only user data and ticket data are processed in the Online Ticket system. Database dumps or the like will not be processed in the Online Ticketing system.

Purpose of Data Processing:

Our ticketing system is utilized for the purpose of managing and resolving support requests, service inquiries, and incidents submitted by our clients. The system allows for efficient tracking, prioritization, and resolution of customer issues, ultimately enhancing the overall support experience. We are required to process the related data in order to fulfil our contractual obligations.

Legal Basis:

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

Storage Period:

Data processed within the ticketing system is retained for the duration of the support engagement and is stored as long as necessary to meet legal and regulatory requirements.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients:

Online Ticketing System.

Online Platform User Registration

BOC Group offers visitors to its websites the opportunity to register for the online platform. Such registration allows users to view enhanced content, participate in events or use services. When registering for the Online Platform, you must provide certain data, such as surname, first name, e-mail, company, etc.. Certain content or services may require you to provide additional data. To ensure an ideal user experience, such data may be linked to other associated user profiles (e.g. community account with the same e-mail address) and usage information of specific services.

Registered Users can receive service-related information via email through the Mailing Service Provider.

Therefore, we process the following data via the Mailing Service Provider

  • when we sent which message to you,
  • if you’ve opened these,
  • whether you clicked on links and if so which ones.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your basic data is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling the contract.

We process additional data to understand how our content and services are used by our users and to improve them according to user behaviour. Your data will also be used to prevent misuse, in particular copyright infringement.

Furthermore, this data may be used to provide you with personalised offers on our products according to your usage (direct marketing).

Legal Basis

The legal basis for this processing is Art 6 para 1 lit. b and f GDPR.

Our legitimate interests are to protect our intellectual property, to inform users of our services about new products (direct marketing), and to improve our services and make them more attractive.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for up to 7 years after deactivation of your account.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Your Data is processed by the CRM System, the Mailing Service Provider and the Hosting Service Provider.

Additional recipients may result from the individual content or services obtained (see recipients or categories of recipients of the respective service).

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document.

Atlassian Marketplace Apps

BOC offers Apps (ADONIS Process Manager for Confluence or ADOIT Enterprise Architect for Confluence) to connect your Confluence installation with BOC Products. These apps allow the connected Confluence users to access the content of BOC Products.

The Apps are provided either as Server, Data Center or Cloud edition, depending on your choice in the Atlassian Marketplace. Server and Data Center Apps needs to be installed on your Infrastructure (please follow the installation guide Cloud Apps can use BOC Cloud Services, which are hosted with our Hosting Service Provider, Amazon Web Services.

The Apps may display information from connected BOC Products on your Confluence pages deliberately using connector widgets (macros). In some cases we store information you have accessed via the App to enhance the search by adding data to the search index. The macros included on your Confluence page only store data necessary to reference the artifacts such as models and objects in BOC Products in order to be able to display them. Further, configuration data for connecting the App to the respective BOC Products are stored when using the App.

We process data which is communicated by Atlassian to us via the Sales and Evaluations Reports. Such data may contain your name, company name as well as details on your Confluence installation.

Furthermore, if you want to give us feedback or new ideas for the app, you can do so via a link in the app’s footer. Please note that this service is provided by a third party, namely our Customer Feedback Service Provider. When you give us feedback, the Customer Feedback Service Provider will process the data provided by you. Please find the details about our Customer Feedback Service Provider in the list of Recipients of Personal Data below. We do not collect or process any further personal data when using these Apps.

Access to Data Center and Server Apps:

The access is established via REST and is restricted to the authorization of a configurable technical user of the BOC Product. Community Edition Users can connect the App with their Community Edition Credentials.

This means that all users of your Confluence installation have access to content (including personal data) of your connected BOC Product (ADONIS/ADOIT/ADOGRC). Access restrictions can be configured at the technical user level of your connected BOC Product. Community Edition Users always have full access to their content.

Access to Cloud Apps:

Cloud Apps use REST and OAuth 2.0 for secure connection between the respective BOC Product and your Confluence instance. Therefore, the same access restrictions as configured in the respective BOC Product apply to Cloud Apps.

Purpose of Data Processing

If you have chosen a Cloud App, the processing of your Data via our Hosting Service Provider is necessary to provide you with the requested service.

We use this data to evaluate our sales made through the Atlassian Marketplace and to improve our visibility to certain user behavior and to increase IT and network security.

Furthermore, this data may be used to provide you with personalized offers on our products (direct marketing).

Legal Basis

The processing via our Hosting Service Provider is necessary for the performance of a contract.

The legal basis for this processing is the legitimate interest of BOC Group (Art 6 para 1 lit. f GDPR) in the aforementioned processing.

Our legitimate interests are to inform the users of our services about new products (direct marketing), and to improve our services and make them more attractive.


Storage Period

BOC Group keeps the data together with information of your connected BOC Product. For specific retention time, please see the according section of such BOC Product.


Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Depending on the type of your Confluence installation (Server, Data Center, Cloud), Atlassian has access to the data stored in the App. For details on the processing of personal data by Atlassian, please refer to

In addition, when using Cloud Apps, your data may be processed by our Hosting Service Provider and our Customer Feedback Service Provider.

BOC Apps for M365

BOC Group offers Apps to connect your M365 installation with BOC Products. These apps allow the connected M365 users to access the content of BOC Products.

“BOC Apps for M365”:

    • ADONIS Process Manager for SharePoint
    • ADOIT Enterprise Architect for SharePoint
    • ADONIS Report Creator for Word

BOC Apps for M365 can use BOC Cloud Services, which are hosted with our Hosting Service Provider, Amazon Web Services.

The Apps may display or process information from connected BOC Products deliberately using widgets(e.g. web parts). In some cases we store information you have accessed via the App to enhance the search by adding data to the search index. The widgets only store data necessary to reference the artifacts such as models and objects in BOC Products in order to be able to display or process them. Further, configuration data for connecting the App to the respective BOC Products are stored when using the App.

We process data which is communicated by Microsoft to us via the Sales and Evaluations Reports. Such data may contain your name, company name as well as details on your M365 installation.

Furthermore, if you want to give us feedback or new ideas for the app, you may do so via a link in the app’s footer. Please note that this service is provided by a third party, namely our Customer Feedback Service Provider. When you give us feedback, the Customer Feedback Service Provider will process the data provided by you. Please find the details about our Customer Feedback Service Provider in the list of Recipients of Personal Data below. We do not collect or process any further personal data when using these Apps.

The Apps use REST and OAuth 2.0 for secure connection between the respective BOC Product and your M365 instance. Therefore, the same access restrictions as configured in the respective BOC Product apply to the Apps.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your Data via our Hosting Service Provider is necessary to provide you with the requested service.

We use this data to evaluate our sales made through Microsoft and to improve our visibility to certain user behavior and to increase IT and network security.

Furthermore, this data may be used to provide you with personalized offers on our products (direct marketing).

Legal Basis

The processing via our Hosting Service Provider is necessary for the performance of a contract.

The legal basis for this processing is the legitimate interest of BOC Group (Art 6 para 1 lit. f GDPR) in the aforementioned processing.

Our legitimate interests are to inform the users of our services about new products (direct marketing), and to improve our services and make them more attractive.

Storage Period

BOC Group keeps the data together with information of your connected BOC Product. For specific retention time, please see the according section of such BOC Product.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

For details on the processing of personal data by Microsoft, please refer to

In addition, when using Cloud Apps, your data may be processed by our Hosting Service Provider and our Customer Feedback Service Provider.

Trainings and E-Learning

BOC Group offers a variety of professional trainings via its B2B Marketplace.

Access to the professional trainings can be purchased via the BOC Marketplace either as a package for several users or for single users.

If packages are purchased for several users, the main user can invite further users to register (up to the agreed maximum number of users).

In order to be able to use this service, each user must register. Therefore, the data provided by the user (first name, last name, email address, company, country) will be processed.

In addition, the progress of each user in the training is continuously recorded and (if applicable) made available to the main user.

Payment and the corresponding data processing are carried out exclusively for the main user.

After submitting the form, users may receive personalized communication according to their expressed field of interest. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

After a user submits a form, BOC Group processes the data entered in the said form, as well as a few additional attributes related to the form submission (e.g.: time stamp and submission URL).

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your data is necessary for the performance of a contract as well as for tax and company law obligations.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b and c GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for up to 7 years after deactivation of your account.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Users’ data is written to the CRM System via the Transfer Interface and passed on to the Mailing Service Provider.

The training themselves are carried out and processed through the Learning Management System.

The data required for payment processing (credit card holder, credit card number, expiry date (month), expiry date (year), CVC) are collected and processed directly by the Payment Service Provider.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document.


BOC Group offers a series of webinars evolving around business- and tool-related topics, featuring experts from BOC Group and its associates. Registered Online Platform Users have access to live and on-demand webinars .

Webinar includes data processing for the following activities related to a webinar registration:

  • providing access to a live webinar for those signing in in-time before a live webinar,
  • providing access to an on-demand webinar,
  • providing the webinar recording to everyone who signed in for the webinar,
  • handling participant requests via email or phone,
  • as well as screening of attendee reports for follow-up activities.

After submitting the form, users may receive personalized communication according to their expressed field of interest. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

After a user submits a form, BOC Group processes the data entered in the said form, as well as a few additional attributes related to the form submission (e.g.: time stamp and submission URL).

In addition, for live webinars we may collect additional information such as: attendance/non-attendance, duration of attendance, questions or comments posted into the conversation stream.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your data is necessary for the performance of a contract and to improve our service.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b and f GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for 2 years since the last form submission by the user.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Your data is written to the CRM System via the Transfer Interface.

In order to participate in live webinars, your data is transferred to the Web Conferencing Service.

In addition, your data will be processed by the Mailing Service Provider.

In certain cases, when the webinar is hosted together with partners, your registration data might be shared with this specific partners.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document.

Optional Surveys

BOC Group includes survey links to its cloud-based software applications and to the lifecycle mailing in software subscription management in order to collect feedback on service quality and customer needs and expectations. Please refer to section “Optional Surveys”.


Receiving the BOC Group newsletter is subject to your consent and subscription to the newsletter. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

You can revoke your consent by unsubscribing from the BOC Group newsletter at any time.

Newsletter Processing describes processing of data for the purpose of sending the BOC Group Newsletter to subscribers via email. This includes targeted information about industry, product and service news, regional or online events, new products or services (or versions thereof) as well as special offers or opportunities.

After a user submits a form, BOC Group processes the data entered in the said form, as well as a few additional attributes related to the form submission (e.g.: time stamp and submission URL).

In addition, the following system-generated data is linked to data you provided:

  • Statistical data about email consumption and behaviour
  • Language (for communication)
  • Assigned BOC operation

Furthermore, we process the following data via the Mailing Service Provider

  • when we sent which message to you,
  • if you’ve opened these,
  • whether you clicked on links and if so which ones,
  • whether you have subscribed or unsubscribed to the newsletter.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing is done to inform you about current topics and to improve our service.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

For the additional processing via the Mailing Service Provider the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for up to 2 years since the last email activity.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Users’ data is written to the CRM System via the Transfer Interface and passed on to the Mailing Service Provider.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document

Support, Contact, Info, Offer, Marketplace,Event– Request

Within the BOC Group Websites and Services, request forms (Support, Contact, Info, Offer, Marketplace, Event- Request) for various inquiries are provided for interested parties at various points.

Depending on the type of request, the requested content is displayed immediately after your data has been submitted, or is sent to you by email or post after the request has been validated manually.

After a user submits a form, BOC Group processes the data entered in the said form, as well as a few additional attributes related to the form submission (e.g.: time stamp and submission URL).

In addition, after submitting the form, users may receive personalized communication according to their expressed field of interest. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

Therefore, we process the following data via the Mailing Service Provider

  • when we sent which message to you,
  • if you’ve opened these,
  • whether you clicked on links and if so which ones.

In addition, there is the option of ticking the box, containing the text similar to: “Yes, I want to receive personalized communication based on my field of interest (e.g. industry news, free events, product updates, etc.)”. By ticking the box, users agree to being placed on the BOC mailing list. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your data is necessary to deal with your request.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for 2 years since the last form submission by the user.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Your data is written to the CRM System via the Transfer Interface.

In addition, your data will be processed by the Mailing Service Provider.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document.


BOC Group offers a collection of free content pieces revolving around business- and tool-related topics, featuring experts from BOC Group and its associates. Users can access the content either by registering for the Online Platform or by submitting a form, depending on the content piece at hand.

Content pieces include:

  • Posters
  • Whitepapers
  • Cheatsheet downloads
  • And others

After a user submits a form, BOC Group processes the data entered in the said form, as well as a few additional attributes related to the form submission (e.g.: time stamp and submission URL).

In addition, after submitting the form, users may receive personalized communication according to their expressed field of interest. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your data is necessary for the performance of a contract and to improve our service.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b and f GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for up to 2 years since the last form submission by the user.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Your data is written to the CRM System via the Transfer Interface.

In addition, your data will be processed by the Mailing Service Provider.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document.


BOC offers a recommendation service where you can share our content with your friends and contacts to connect with our Service. Therefore, we will contact the persons you recommended and will include your name to let them know that you are the person extending the invitation. In addition, we also send a confirmation email to you.

By submitting the recommendation form, the following data provided by you can be processed: Form of address, first name, last name, email address, company, telephone number.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing is done to inform you about current topics and to improve our service.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for up to eighteen (18) months after submitting the request.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Your data is written to the CRM System via the Transfer Interface.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document

Job Applications

BOC Group maintains a career portal on its website. On this portal, vacancies are published, so that interested people are provided with an opportunity to apply for these positions. Furthermore, the career portal offers a possibility to submit unsolicited applications. The applications are handed over electronically to the responsible regional BOC office in charge.

Processing job applications via the Career Portal includes all activities related to submitting a job application to the responsible BOC operation.

After a user submits a form, BOC Group processes the data entered in the said form, as well as a few additional attributes related to the form submission (e.g.: time stamp and submission URL).

Which additional personal data you enter in the application documents is up to you.

In addition, there is the option of ticking the box, containing the text similar to: “Yes, I want to receive personalized communication based on my field of interest (e.g. industry news, free events, product updates, etc.)”. By ticking the box, users agree to being placed on the BOC mailing list. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing serves the purpose of checking your application.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

Legal basis for keeping your application in record is Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

Storage Period

If you have given your consent to keep your application in record, BOC Group retains the data for up to five years after your application. You can revoke this consent at any time by email:

Without this consent, BOC Group retains the data for up to 7 months from the end of the application process.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

If your application relates to the BOC location Vienna, your data will be processed by our Personnel Administration System.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document.

Optional Surveys

Participation in these surveys requires active, manual interaction and is absolutely voluntary and non-binding for any participant.

In general, no personal data is collected in these surveys, as participation is completely anonymous.

In some cases, during the survey we ask you, if you would like us to reach out to you for a follow-up on your responses. By accepting, we will link the survey output to your profile and will reach out to you.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your data is necessary to reach out to you to follow-up on your response.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Your data will be processed through our Survey Tool.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document

Event Registration

BOC Group hosts and attends a number of client and partner events throughout the year (e.g. BOC Infoday). The BOC Group website offers the possibility to register for such events online.

After a user submits a form, BOC Group processes the data entered in the said form, as well as a few additional attributes related to the form submission (e.g.: time stamp and submission URL).

Users who have registered for an Event can receive service-related information via email through the Mailing Service Provider.

Therefore, we process the following data via the Mailing Service Provider

  • when we sent which message to you,
  • if you’ve opened these,
  • whether you clicked on links and if so which ones.

Please note any further processing of personal data at events under the heading “Processing of photos at events”.

In addition, there is the option of ticking the box, containing the text similar to: “Yes, I want to receive personalized communication based on my field of interest (e.g. industry news, free events, product updates, etc.)”. By ticking the box, users agree to being placed on the BOC mailing list. New subscribers receive an email upon this subscription where they can edit their email preferences. Unsubscription from further email communication is possible at any time.

Purpose of Data Processing

Processing is done for the purpose of registering you for a specific event.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the data for 2 years since the last form submission by the user.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

If users agreed to being placed on the BOC mailing list, then their data will be further processed by the Mailing Service Provider.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document

Processing of Photos at Events

As part of the event documentation, BOC Group produces photographs or films during the event. By registering for (or participating in) the event, you acknowledge that photographs and video material depicting you may be used for press coverage and may be published in popular media, publications and on BOC Group Websites.

Purpose of Data Processing

The processing is carried out for the purpose of BOC Group’s public relations work and for documentation purposes.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains the photos as long as the legal basis of the legitimate interest exists.

The legitimate interest shall cease when BOC Group no longer needs the photos for its public relations work. Selected photos may be stored indefinitely for archive purposes.

Recipients or categories of recipients

Selected photos can be passed on to various media for publication in accordance to the purpose of data processing.

Within BOC Group’s websites and services you might have the possibility to book an appointment with our staff by selecting one of the offered time slots. BOC uses Microsoft Bookings to provide a simplified way to get in touch with our staff. We process the data provided by you (name and contact information).

Purpose of Data Processing

BOC Group uses Microsoft Bookings to provide a direct way to make appointments and to contact you after such appointment has taken place.

Legal Basis

Legal basis for the processing activity is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Storage Period

BOC Group retains your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose described herein or as required by applicable law.

Recipients or categories of recipients

Your Data is processed by the CRM System and Microsoft Office.

For further details on the recipients, please refer to the List of Recipients of Personal Data at the end of this document.

Right to Object

Insofar as the legal basis for the processing is legitimate interests of BOC Group pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR to the extent that grounds relating from its particular situation are raised. BOC Group will no longer process the personal data unless the BOC Group demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject has the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. Please direct an objection to:

Your Rights

You have the right to request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject or to object to processing. If the processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw it at any time.

For any privacy-related inquiry, please contact privacy(at)

Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde

Barichgasse 40–42

1030 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 52 152-0



List of Recipients of Personal Data

Service Name Address Further Information about Privacy Contact Data Processing Adequate Level of Data Protection
Payment Service Provider Stripe Payments
Europe, Ltd
510 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 94103, USA A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place.
Mailing Service Provider The Rocket Science Group LLC (Mailchimp) 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE
Suite 5000
Atlanta, GA 30308 USA A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place.
Transfer Interface Zapier Inc., 548 Market St #62411, San Francisco, California 94104, USA A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. The data transmission is based on the standard contractual clauses C(2010) 593
Mailing Service Provider LogMeIn Ireland Limited (GoToWebinar) The Reflector 10 Hanover Quay Dublin 2 A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. The data transmission is based on the standard contractual clauses C(2010) 593
Subscription Service FastBill GmbH (Monsum) Bockenheimer Anlage 15 60322 Frankfurt am Main A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. EU
Hosting Service Provider CloudSigma AG Badenerstrasse 549
8048 Zürich
Schweiz A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. Adequacy decision
Amazon Web Services EMEA Sàrl 38 Avenue John F. KennedyL-1855 Luxembourg N.A. A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. Data Location: Frankfurt and Paris
Fallback Data Center 1&1 IONOS Cloud GmbH Elgendorfer Str. 57, 56410 Montabaur A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. EU
CRM System Sugar CRM 10050 N. Wolfe Rd.
Cupertino, CA 95014 A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. EU
Learning Management System Epignosis LLC (TalentLMS) 315 Montgomery Street, 9th Floor, San Francisco,CA 94104, USA A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place.
Survey Tool Typeform SL C/Bac de Roda, 163 (Local), 08018 – Barcelona (Spain) A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. EU
Appointment Bookings One Microsoft Place South County Business Park,
Dublin 18,
D18 P521,
Ireland A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place.
Personnel Administration System Personio GmbH Rundfunkplatz 4,80335 München, Germany A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. EU
Customer Feedback Service Provider Aha! Labs Inc. 20 Gloria Circle Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA Independent Controller Data Location: Amazon Web Services EU-West (primary; Ireland) and Amazon Web Services EU-Central (backup and disaster recovery; Frankfurt)
Visitor Recognition Salesviewer®   Huestr. 30, 44787 Bochum, Germany   A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place.  EU
Online Event Services Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd. One Microsoft Court, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 DH6k A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place.
The data transmission is based on the standard contractual clauses C(2010) 593
Online Event Services Youtube LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. The data transmission is based on the standard contractual clauses C(2010) 593
Online Event Services StreamYard Inc. 2810 N. Church St.

Wilmington DE 19802  A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. The data transmission is based on the standard contractual clauses C(2010) 593
Online Event Services LinkedIn Corporation 1000 W Maude Ave, Sunnyvale, CA  A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. The data transmission is based on the standard contractual clauses C(2010) 593
Online Ticketing System Zendesk Inc. 989 Market Street, United States A Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place. EU