Research & Innovation2024-01-22T14:18:39+00:00

The Continuous Need
To Better Ourselves

Research & Innovation at BOC Group.

It’s In Our DNA.

BOC Group has a long history in research and innovation. Founded as a spin-off of the University of Vienna, it is part of who we are.
We have continuously contributed to a number of EU-funded research projects, we have built an open platform, where researchers around the globe could develop and test their own modeling methods and we have established and grown educational programmes, to pass on gained knowledge and inspire others to innovate.

As a recognized player in the fields of Innovation and Applied Research, we want to give you an insight into our activities. Discover our part in large-scale Applied Research Projects, explore the Open Models Initiative, experience our contributions to BOC Group product or method innovation or engage with us in a Summer School or by joining the BOC Group Academy Programme.

Fields of Activities.

Applied Research


through & OMiLab


through NEMO &
the BOC Group Academy Programme

Excellence in Applied Research.

For many years, the BOC Group Research Team contributes greatly to renommated and influential EU-funded research projects. Our Research & Innovation team is amongst the most innovative research teams in the European Union.

“Key Innovator”

European Comission’s
Innovation Radar

“Key Innovator”

European Comission’s
Innovation Radar

Our fields of activity focus on Process Management, IT Management and Decision Support, and can be categorized in the three following domains:

Excellence in Applied Research.

For many years, the BOC Group Research Team contributes greatly to renommated and influential EU-funded research projects. Our Research & Innovation team is amongst the most innovative research teams in the European Union.

  • “Key Innovator” for Go0dman, European Comission’s Innovation Radar
  • “Key Innovator” for Disrupt, European Comission’s Innovation Radar

Our fields of activity focus on Process Management, IT Management and Decision Support, and can be categorized in the three following domains:

Engineering Is
Designed Reality

Choose from the three topics to read more about the projects.

BIM-Based Tools For Energy-Efficient Building Renovation

BIMERR enables efficient Building Information Modelling (BIM) to elevate the productivity of stakeholders from the Architecture, Engineering & Construction field. A key aspect is to manage the renovation by using smart decision support tools and a seamless integration of heterogeneous IoT ecosystems.

BOC provides model-based management tools to assist the decision making with artificial intelligence. The corresponding data streams are created by IoT sensors, enriched with appropriate semantics from the models and accessed by OLIVE microservices to enable a marketplace for management apps. The s*IoT framework from BOC enables the coupling between knowledge-driven decision making and IoT sensors.

Facts & Figures | Website

Organizational Behavior Improvement For Energy Efficient Administrative Public Offices

OrbEEt analyses the usage of buildings with respect to their energy consumption. BOC developed a business process modelling environment enabling the simulation of the usage of the buildings to indicate the energy consumption.

Facts & Figures

Business And IT Cloud Alignment Using A Smart Socket

CloudSocket develops the new Cloud paradigm of Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) assisting in business and IT Cloud alignment. BOC develops business process modelling tools that analyze business processes according their Cloud Readiness level and support their transformation into workflows in the Cloud.

Facts & Figures | Website

Computer Aided Technologies For Additive Manufacturing

CaxMan is concerned with design-driven additive manufactory, by enabling Cloud-based workflows between computer aided manufactory services. BOC develops a modelling environment for business modelling in such flexible Virtual Enterprises for digital Factories.

Facts & Figures | Website

Occupant Aware, Intelligent And Adaptive Enterprises

Adapt4EE analyses the usage of buildings in a similar way like OrBEEt, but focuses on the influencing the design phase of building construction, whereas OrbEEt focuses on the usage of existing buildings.

Facts & Figures

Model-Driven Approach For Design And Execution Of Applications On Multiple Clouds

MODAClouds developed a common configuration layer for any Platform as a Service (PaaS). BOC tested, adapted and improved the project results with the PaaS infrastructure of ADONIS® Cloud.

Facts & Figures

Collaborative Manufacturing Network For Competitive Advantage

ComVantage deals with smart machine maintenance, where maintenance relevant data are organized in a structured and interoperable way using the linked data approach. BOC developed a modelling environment that enables the analysis of mobile maintenance processes.

Facts & Figures | Website

Immigration Policy 2.02022-04-28T10:11:29+00:00
Participatory Immigration Policy Making And Harmonization Based On Collaborative Web2.0 Technologies

Immigration Policy 2.0 developed social media tools and platforms to ease the administrative processes that are relevant for legal residents. BOC developed special modelling tools, where processes are represented in a simplified way, suitable for citizens with low ICT background.

Facts & Figures

Marrying Ontologies And Software Technologies

MOST combined conceptual and semantic modelling for Software Engineering by merging UML and ontologies. BOC realized a modelling tool to semantically enrich concept models such as UML.

Facts & Figures

Business Innovation And Virtual Enterprise Environment

BIVEE deals with the management of innovation within factories, aiming that distributed production can be managed in such Virtual Enterprises. BOC developed a modelling environment to assist the creating, operation and monitoring of Virtual Enterprises for digital Factories.

Project Facts & Figures

Local Development Cooperation Actions Enabled By Semantic Technologies

LD-CAST realized smart business process portals for Chamber of Commerce’s that support the cross-national business collaboration for founding companies in Eastern European Countries. BOC developed knowledge-based process modelling tools for public administration.

Facts & Figures

Business Objective Driven Reliable And Intelligent Grids For Real Businesses

BREIN introduced an agent-based framework to optimize grid computing. A smart middleware using distributed intelligent information systems was used to coordinate computer resources in an optimized way. BOC provided a business process modelling environment to support the business and IT alignment from high level business processes to low level technical resources.

Facts & Figures

Energy Efficiency In The Supply Chain Through Collaboration, Advanced Decision Support And Automatic Sensing

e-Save is concerned with the energy efficient logistic and supply chains. The reduction of energy needed for transport is optimized by simulating logistic chains. BOC developed a modelling environment that enabled the use of geo-location data, for modelling and simulation.

Facts & Figures

Process Oriented eGovernment

FIT realized smart business process modelling for public administrations in a similar way like LD-CAST, but not focusing on Chamber of Commerce’s but on Ministries and Municipalities.

Facts & Figures

Access To Knowledge Through A Grid Mobile Environment

AKOGRIMO introduced knowledge-based mobile grid computing, where ICT resources for grid computing are coordinated in a distributed mobile network. BOC introduced a knowledge-based business process modelling environment to support business and IT alignment from high level processes to mobile network related settings.

Facts & Figures

GO0D MAN2022-04-25T07:49:40+00:00
aGent Oriented Zero Defect Multi-stage mANufacturing

GO0 DMAN is based on the idea to realize and deploy a Zero Defect Manufacturing framework for multi-stage production lines. BOC is responsible for the development of a knowledge and data management environment to support stakeholders in the production industry to elevate data to meaningful information and provide solution proposals.

Facts & Figures

Decentralised Architectures For Optimised Operations Via Virtualised Processes And Manufacturing Ecosystem Collaboration

DISRUPT aims to spearhead the transition to the next-generation manufacturing by facilitating the vision of a “Smart Factory”.
The new era of manufacturing requires flexible factories that can be quickly reprogrammed to provide faster time-to-market responding to global consumer demand, address mass-customization needs and bring life to innovative products. BOC is responsible in the project to recognize and derive an environment for the design and evaluation of novel and coherent business models, enabled by a graphical modelling tool and related functionalities.

Facts & Figures | Website


COGITO introduces a real-time digital representation (twin) of a construction project, using methods to ensure interoperability among the different components and technologies constituting the digital twin ecosystem.

Facts & Figures | Website


To ensure that 100% of manufacturing companies in Europe have access to 100% of technologies needed to deploy a digital twin

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Education Is
Capitalized Future

Click on a project’s title to read more about it.

Business And IT Cloud Alignment Using A Smart Socket

CloudSocket develops the new Cloud paradigm of Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) assisting in business and IT Cloud alignment. BOC develops business process modelling tools that analyze business processes according their Cloud Readiness level and support their transformation into workflows in the Cloud.

Facts & Figures | Website

ITSM for SMEs of the Danube Region

ITSM4SME used models about IT Architecture and Management for teaching ITSM especially for SMEs in the Eastern European countries. BOC provided a modelling tool for IT Architecture and Management design, which was used to create the training content and used for teaching ITSM.

Model-Driven Approach For Design And Execution Of Applications On Multiple Clouds

MODAClouds developed a common configuration layer for any Platform as a Service (PaaS). BOC tested, adapted and improved the project results with the PaaS infrastructure of ADONIS® Cloud.

Facts & Figures

Model-Based Social Learning For Public Administrations

LearnPAd introduces process oriented learning for public administration by using extended Wiki platforms and combining them for collaborative business process modelling. BOC developed a collaborative business process modelling tool that interacts with collaboration platforms.

Facts & Figures | Website

Marrying Ontologies And Software Technologies

MOST combined conceptual and semantic modelling for Software Engineering by merging UML and ontologies. BOC realized a modelling tool to semantically enrich concept models such as UML.

Facts & Figures

NEXT TELL2022-04-28T10:31:29+00:00
Next Generation Teaching, Education And Learning For Life

NEXT TELL developed the Evidence Centered Activity and Assessment Design (ECAAD) Method to plan and manage teaching processes. BOC developed the ECAAD modelling tool enabling to model, manage, exchange and export teaching and assessment processes into execute them in learning platforms.

Facts & Figures

Business Objective Driven Reliable And Intelligent Grids For Real Businesses

BREIN introduced an agent-based framework to optimize grid computing. A smart middleware using distributed intelligent information systems was used to coordinate computer resources in an optimized way. BOC provided a business process modelling environment to support the business and IT alignment from high level business processes to low level technical resources.

Facts & Figures

Continuous Social Learning In Knowledge Networks

MATURE elaborated on process-oriented knowledge management developing a knowledge-based application middleware that supporting tools for different maturity levels of knowledge. BOC developed a process-oriented knowledge management tool and corresponding interfaces to manage the knowledge on different maturity levels.

Facts & Figures

Access To Knowledge Through A Grid Mobile Environment

AKOGRIMO introduced knowledge-based mobile grid computing, where ICT resources for grid computing are coordinated in a distributed mobile network. BOC introduced a knowledge-based business process modelling environment to support business and IT alignment from high level processes to mobile network related settings.

Facts & Figures

Enhance Problem Based Learning With Learning Analytics And Learning Semantics

PBL3.0 extends process oriented learning by analyzing Problem Based Learning approaches and comparing their evaluation results. BOC provides a modelling environment for business process oriented training assessment.



DigiFoF provides a network of training environments where Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), enterprises, and training institutions come together to develop skill profiles, trainings concepts as well as materials for design aspects of the Factory of the Future (FoF).


Knowledge Is
Humanized Information

Click on a project’s title to read more about it.

Logo oft the EU funded FAIRWork project for ai based decision making
Bringing Human, AI, Data and Robots Together

The idea behind FAIRWork is to optimize production processes. Instead of a traditional hierarchical systems, FAIRWork aims to establish a democratized form of decision-making, using a decentralized AI system. A multiple optimization algorithm finds the most appropriate solution considering the needs of all involved human and technical stakeholders.

Facts & Figures | Website

Business And IT Cloud Alignment Using A Smart Socket

CloudSocket develops the new Cloud paradigm of Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) assisting in business and IT Cloud alignment. BOC develops business process modelling tools that analyze business processes according their Cloud Readiness level and support their transformation into workflows in the Cloud.

Facts & Figures | Website

Business And IT Alignment Using A Model-Based Plug-In Framework

plugIT introduced the Next Generation Modelling Framework consisting of micro-modelling services that are composed using smart technology to optimally support the users’ needs in modelling. BOC developed a service-oriented framework for modelling supporting in this case hybrid modelling for business and IT alignment.

Facts & Figures

Model-Driven Approach For Design And Execution Of Applications On Multiple Clouds

MODAClouds developed a common configuration layer for any Platform as a Service (PaaS). BOC tested, adapted and improved the project results with the PaaS infrastructure of ADONIS® Cloud.

Facts & Figures

A Semantic Based Knowledge Flow System For European Home Textile Industry

AsIsKnown developed knowledge management tool to support the supply chain for home textile in Europe between production and end user sales. BOC developed a process-oriented knowledge management framework that enabled the knowledge-based management of this supply chain.

Facts & Figures

Marrying Ontologies And Software Technologies

MOST combined conceptual and semantic modelling for Software Engineering by merging UML and ontologies. BOC realized a modelling tool to semantically enrich concept models such as UML.

Facts & Figures

Intelligent Knowledge Platform for Personal Health Monitoring Services

eHealthMonitor explored the idea of smart and dynamic knowledge spaces for personal health monitoring. Data have been collected from patients have been enriched with personalized knowledge, in order to access it with smart agents for better patient support. BOC developed modelling tools to create an index of the knowledge base and hence enable its usage and management.

Facts & Figures | Website

Business Objective Driven Reliable And Intelligent Grids For Real Businesses

BREIN introduced an agent-based framework to optimize grid computing. A smart middleware using distributed intelligent information systems was used to coordinate computer resources in an optimized way. BOC provided a business process modelling environment to support the business and IT alignment from high level business processes to low level technical resources.

Facts & Figures

Foresight Security Scenarios Mapping: Research To A Comprehensive Approach To Exogenous EU Roles

FOCUS developed a security research roadmap for Europe by applying foresight techniques on potential hazards and threats and deriving necessary know-how to handle those potential future situations. BOC accompanied these foresight techniques and risk assessments with process-oriented knowledge management to enable continue assessments and adaptations of the security research roadmap and to preserve the project’s expert know how.

Facts & Figures

Access To Knowledge Through A Grid Mobile Environment

AKOGRIMO introduced knowledge-based mobile grid computing, where ICT resources for grid computing are coordinated in a distributed mobile network. BOC introduced a knowledge-based business process modelling environment to support business and IT alignment from high level processes to mobile network related settings.

Facts & Figures

Interested in learning more about our applied research or to join forces?

Innovation Through ADOxx & OMiLab.

ADOxx and OMiLab are two major cornerstones of BOC Group’s innovation process. Through ADOxx and OMiLab, BOC Group supports an active global community for conceptual modelling who benefits from open artifacts. To this end we act as a facilitator to the development of scientific methods and technologies for all those who value models. In addition we act as a platform, where participants can bring in ideas related to modelling and engage in the exploration process.

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Education Through NEMO & The BOC Group Academy Programme.

While the NEMO summer schools focuses on the design and implementation of Enterprise Digital Twins and Ecosystems based on conceptual modelling methods, the BOC Group Academy Programme offers a convenient educational package to lecturers and tutors in the fields of Business Process Management or Enterprise Architecture, spanning free software, lecturing material and exercises.

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BOC Academy Programme
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