Study Background
In collaboration with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), BOC Group has conducted a study1 on the topic of Process Management that provides an insight into the status quo and current challenges in various industries and company sizes. The study is based on the insights from over 300 respondents working in the field of Process Management and is divided into two major blocks, focusing on business and technology perspectives.
Results and Insights
The results suggest that BPM has become an indispensable part of successful small, medium and large organizations. In addition, more and more people associate Process Management with other management scenarios such as Quality Management (54%), Digitalization (49%), and regulatory scenarios like ICS (48%). Given the enormous potential benefits of BPM, two-thirds of experts see BPM as an even more important asset for the future.
BPM tools, like our renowned Business Transformation Suite ADONIS, create transparency about the processes in the company and provide the basis for strategic decisions and operational action. The study suggests the companies increasingly (39%) rely on such specialized tools in comparison to other drawing systems like Microsoft Office (-20%) for process modelling. However, companies can only exploit the full potential of BPM if all phases of the Process Management lifecycle, as presented in the study, are consistently implemented.
Outlook & Next steps
As a company with more than 25 years of experience, we see Process Management as the basis for efficient and effective fulfillment of voluntary and regulatory requirements. Implementing Process Management as a building block of an integrated management system encompassing processes, IT and compliance gives an organization a common goal to ensure optimal quality and efficiency of business processes.
We would like to thank all participants of the study and acknowledge ZHAW, especially Dr. Tim Geppert and Dr. Björn Scheppler, for their efforts in preparing the study.
The full study can be downloaded for free on our website.
If you are looking for a BPM tool that supports your BPM initiatives, we encourage you to check out our free ADONIS:Community Edition.
Business Process Management Study 2023, Analysis of the 2022 status quo and developments over the last 11 years in the context of BPM, A study by the Institute of Information Systems in cooperation with BOC Group, Authors: Tim Geppert, Björn Scheppler, Felix Meentken, Sandro Gerussi & Elke Brucker-Kley