Requirements for Efficient & Effective ICS in the Financial Industry – A Discussion on Real-World Experience

Chargement Évènements
  • Regulatory requirements for internal control systems in the financial industry
  • Key challenges in the implementation of internal control systems
  • Insights from 20 years of consulting experience and tool use in the context of GRC

Deloitte and BOC in an exchange on implementation experiences in the financial industry:

Melanie Müller-Dragovits gives an insight into the key regulatory requirements and major challenges associated with implementation of internal control systems, from her 20 years of consulting experience in the financial industry. The focus lies on clear responsibilities, especially within the 1st line of defence, traceable control actions, and efficient reflection of control results, as well as risk-oriented design and continuous ICS optimization.

Robert Strobl shows how a comprehensive and integrated GRC solution with ADOGRC and ADONIS ensures effective management of risks, controls and compliance requirements.

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