Processes Are More Than Documentation – Lean & Practical Solutions for Regulatory Issues

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  • English Subtitles Available

  • Insight on how written regulations can be integrated into the process world

  • Tips on implementing regulations more easily with the help of process management

  • Reflection on how the latest technologies, models and approaches can contribute to good process management

Nico Teutsch shows us how process information is collected in the course of modelling, and made available to the organization. IKB has successfully integrated the written order into their process world, and is leveraging this information in a way that allows for lean and efficient implementation of regulatory issues and requirements (#ics #eugdpr #sfo #irba #bia) with the help of process management.

This session also covers the topic of new technologies, models and procedures, because good #processmanagement holds answers to more than just “who does what, when, how?” and “can it be done even faster?”

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