Processes & Governance From a Single Hand: How We’re Thinking “Out of the Box”

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  • Insights into the structure of a risk inventory (OpRisk)
  • Experience in establishing an internal control system (ICS).
  • Background on the creation and management of a loss database (Loss Collection Database)

  • Experiences from measures management initiatives

ebase has had its full process documentation stored in ADONIS for years now.

On the same basis, a risk inventory (OpRisk), an internal control system (ICS), a loss database and measures management were recently also being introduced with the help of ADOGRC.

This process-oriented approach was designed to create the ideal link between the company’s governance functions and business processes in order to build a comprehensive and integrated GRC system. The resulting database (“corporate repository”) allows ebase to perform comprehensive and overarching analyses, which in turn also enables them “think outside the box”.

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