BPM… From 0 to 60 in 6 Months: Fast Adoption of ADONIS at 7-Eleven Mother Corp. Iconn

Chargement Évènements
  • Main drivers for implementing BPM at Iconn
  • Key criteria for choosing a fitting BPM tool
  • How a well thought out methodology makes the difference
  • Perceived benefits of implementing ADONIS: Before & After
  • Challenges and lessons learned
  • Next steps, new objectives

During this fireside chat with Rodolfo, Process Leader at Iconn, we will hear the first-hand experience of how an organization can efficiently launch their BPM practice from scratch. Iconn is a Mexican company made up of more than 20,000 employees in 17 States in Mexico and is currently on the journey of implementing BPM. Over the last 6 months, Rodolfo and his team have been rolling out ADONIS into the organization in a very prudent manner, enabling them to adopt not only the solution, but an organized way of working in the process domain.

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