ADONIS as an Integrative System for Basler Kantonalbank & Bank Cler: Added Value for Users and Managers!

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  • How digital workflows simplified work processes in the individual scenarios and increased efficiency
  • How ADONIS, as a platform for process managers, centrally presents all control-relevant information
  • How comprehensive GRC reporting promotes risk awareness and allows control gaps to be identified

The ever evolving regulation requirements, the need for comprehensive reporting, as well as the desire to digitalize and automate processes have all led to the decision to build an integrative system in the BKB Group. Andreas Christen and Daniel Plüss show which steps were taken to successfully implement and put five specialist scenarios into operation (“Process Management – Control and Risk Framework – Directive Management – IT Architecture – Data Protection”) within the last two and a half years. ADONIS creates transparency by highlighting the interaction between these individual scenarios, thus providing decision-makers with a basis for controlling of the respective subject areas.

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