Regulatory Requirements for a Fund Management Company –⁠ Efficiently Met With ADOGRC

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  • English Subtitles Available

  • See how risks and controls are documented in an audit-proof and comprehensive manner
  • Gain insights into how to easily and efficiently build workflow-supported risk and control portfolios
  • Discover how to keep your risk and control portfolio up-to-date, traceable and transparent with ADOGRC

In this session, Mr. Mario Baur shows us how regulatory requirements can be effectively implemented with the help of ADOGRC. As a fund management company of Helvetia Group, Helvetia Asset Management AG was able to anchor and operationalize an audit plan for risk and control portfolios in the organization.

Automated workflows for risk assessments as well as the implementation and testing of controls ensure that the required tasks are performed in a targeted manner. In addition, by linking acquired information with the process world, a continuous improvement process could be initiated.

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