ADONIS Enterprise Edition covers all type of users distinguishing between full User and Reader access:

  • Users can fully exploit the features of ADONIS and create process flowcharts, landscapes and all other types of models. They create documents, roles, risks and any other asset and analyze all data in the BPM repository. Users contribute to process initiatives, keep an eye on what is changing, redesign and optimize operations. Users are also part of the approval and release of new process definitions and collaborate on key transformation projects to deliver efficient results as a team.
    Typical users in ADONIS comprises Designers, Business Architects, Process and Business Analysts, Quality Managers, Process Owners and Managers, Compliance and Audit Managers, Risk and Control Managers and all other stakeholders actively contributing to BPM initiatives in your organization.
  • Readers can easily access the latest process documentation and share insightful content with colleagues. The ADONIS Reader Portal enables them to stay up-to-date on the latest procedures, find key people responsible and access the right procedures and documents to get their jobs done. They can view and share models, charts and dashboards, search for information, navigate the process hierarchy, provide comments and feedback as well as generate print reports. In return they cannot create, review, release or modify any data in the ADONIS BPM repository or run analysis and simulation. Typically all employees and persons performing processes in an organization are Readers. Depending on the company third parties such as Auditors might be given Reader access.