Process-based and automated Tax Compliance Management System (Tax CMS)

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  • Experience how quickly & easily your processes can be documented in ADONIS
  • Discover how ADONIS processes can be seamlessly executed in TIM’s BPM Suite
  • See how process executions are catalogued in an audit-proof and comprehensive manner

PwC, BOC Group and TIM jointly provide an automation solution for the effective and efficient operation of your Tax Compliance Management System.

Tax-relevant processes, together their risks and controls are being documented in ADONIS in a structured manner and linked with one another. With the help of TIM BPM Suite for workflow automation, these processes are then being automated, and all activities and uploaded documents catalogued and archived in an audit-proof way. The systems connect seamlessly via an interface, which in turn significantly simplifies the usually very time-consuming operation of a Tax CMS.

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