Getting a Grip on Processes in Medium-Sized Businesses and Trades With ADONIS & awork: How to Make Online Editorial an Efficient Creative Process Without Stifling Creativity

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  • Process design with ADONIS for medium-sized businesses and trades
  • Track tasks and milestones in process execution with “awork”
  • Use templates and checklists in daily process execution
  • Know, measure and monitor important process key figures

Process management in small organizations often faces the challenge of limited capacities for design and implementation.

In the session, we’ll discuss methods and tools that enable any organization to use process management to its full potential.

Axel Schröder is a long-time consultant and coach for small and medium-sized businesses and trades. Covering a case study of the “online marketing process”, he will show how process design, execution and monitoring using key performance indicators can be leveraged quickly and pragmatically, enabling you to create visibility for your organization and generate profits.

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