ADONIS Grundlagentraining I

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  • This training takes place on two days:
    December 8, 2021 09:00 – 13:00 & December 9, 2021 09:00 – 13:00

  • Verständnis über GPM-Konzepte und Methodik
  • Kennenlernen der Benutzeroberfläche
  • Erarbeitung grundlegender Kenntnisse über Bausteine von Prozessmodellen
  • Anreicherung der Prozessaufgaben mit Detailinformationen sowie zentral gepflegten GPM-Stammdaten
  • Vermittlung der Modellierungs-Funktionalitäten
  • Eigenständige Bearbeitung von Übungsbeispielen
  • Prozessmodelle in verschiedenen Formaten bereitstellen

keine Vorkenntnisse nötig

How is the presentation and communication handled?

BOC Group usually organises digital trainings via web conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams or GoToMeeting (GTM). Participants typically use the web apps of the respective providers and therefore do not need to install any additional software for communication.

If web apps are blocked by your firewall or other security measures, you may need support from your administrator. Please contact us in advance to test the connectivity of your end device with you. In individual cases, we will also be happy to look for alternatives.

How will the training material be distributed to the participants?

The training materials are provided in advance as PDF. They include a training manual as well as exercises and sample solutions. If required, training materials can also be shipped in physical form after the training.

Other recommendations

Once logging in to the BOC tool, the training sessions will be quite interactive. Therefore, we recommend using a second screen during participation in the training if possible.

Pre-register today

Submit your pre-registration today. Our colleagues will then contact you promptly to discuss the next steps. Also, leave us a message in case of special requests or questions.

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