From the speakers’ panel…
Dr. Christian Lichka
Member of the Board
Erik Guschlbauer
Product Manager
The Risk Management Impact Series 2021
With the accelerated pace of digital transformation and highly intensified disruption across all industries, the need for business professionals to continuously innovate their way of digital thinking and leadership has never been higher.
Through our Risk Management Impact Series events, we are bringing together brilliant industry experts and thought leaders and providing a digital platform to facilitate the exchange of experiences, best practices & key insights on GRC, digital business resilience and transformation opportunities in an uncertain world.
Tune in to our different digital events throughout the year and take away key learnings to empower your company to lead and thrive through change! We look forward to exchanging with you!
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Focus Weeks
Join us in our Event Series. The subject of GRC is as extensive as enjoyable, so we spread it into various Focus Weeks.