

Changing framework conditions, stricter regulatory requirements and rapidly increasing complexity – these are all challenges that every company faces on a daily basis. In order to deal with these, organisations are forced to continuously evolve. After all, the influencing factors mentioned above have a direct impact on the three core areas of a company: on processes, IT systems and the organisation itself. Change has therefore become our constant companion.

a chart with the Influencing factors on the core areas of a company

Image 1: Influencing factors on the core areas of a company

How can the factor of change be brought into your organisation in a proactive and controlled way?

The answer to this question is provided by ADOGRC’s product manager Erik Guschlbauer in his Strategy Talk. He cites Governance, Risk & Compliance as an essential success factor for sustainable corporate management and explains how you can also keep up with rapid changes in the environment.

A chart with the most important factors of GRC as an essential success

Image 2: GRC as an essential success factor

Learn which roles a comprehensive GRC suite needs to support in order to intelligently link Governance, Risk & Compliance and find out where the journey with ADOGRC tool is heading in the coming months.

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