
JURA Materials contracted BOC Group for consulting services, enabling them to identify 90 potential improvements in their existing processes. In the following interview, Ralf Schumann, Head of Commercial Cement and member of the Executive Board at JURA Management AG, tells us what drives JURA Materials, why they are placing their focus on process management and optimization, and how they are promoting cultural change towards a process-oriented organization.

The JURA Materials Group is a provider of construction materials. They offers products and services in the field of cement, concrete, gravel, sand and pavement, as well as recycling and disposal. The main objective of their project was to create transparency in the existing data structure and business processes by introducing a process optimization initiative. With support from BOC Group, a fitting approach for sustainable integration of BPM could be developed.

Summary of the Process Optimization Case Study at JURA

BOC Group: Welcome, Ralf Schumann. Thank you very much for the exchange and your trust in us. How important is process management and process optimization for you?

Ralf Schumann: The whole topic of business process management is extremely important to us. Like many other industries, we are in the process of digitalizing our business model. Thus, it is important for us to create transparency within our business processes and data structure. That’s why we’ve decided to kick off a project to permanently integrate Business Process Management into our organization. The pilot project follows the motto “we’re getting fit for the future”.

BOC Group: That’s a nice slogan! When did you decide to seek support from an external consulting firm?

Ralf Schumann: We quickly identified the need for external support in order to drive such a comprehensive change within the organization. Particularly with regards to the process modelling know-how, BPM and the topics that affect the organization. In this respect, it was clear to us at a relatively early stage that we would bring on an expert in the matter. Also in order to have the appropriate resources to implement the whole project.


Full interview recording with Ralf Schumann about process optimization at JURA Material with BOC Group

BOC Group: What were the goals of the process optimization project and how did BOC Group support you with this?

Ralf Schumann: In addition to the actual modelling and improvement of our processes, it was also important for us to define the roles and responsibilities in Business Process Management and promote cross-divisional thinking. Ultimately, we did this in order to set a continuous improvement process in motion. BOC Group helped us with this conceptually. In addition, BOC Group supported us in documenting our processes in a structured way, creating transparency and building up our expertise in BPM. This created the basis for the introduction of a BPM organization and sustainable process optimization.

BOC Group: How were the optimization potentials identified? Did you evaluate and prioritize them?

Ralf Schumann: At the beginning, we had a closer look at our existing documents, as process documentation was already available in the company. Then, together with BOC, we created a comprehensive project plan. What’s more, we conducted interviews and workshops with all relevant stakeholders. On this basis we were able to model and document a total of 70 TO-BE and AS-IS processes.

These processes mainly came from the scope of the pilot project “Offer-to-Cash”. Following this, we used GAP analysis to compare our TARGET and ACTUAL processes and identified 90 improvements, which were then evaluated and prioritized. These initiatives are now being kicked off as part of a follow-up project. Thanks to the precise modelling of business processes, the intensive engagement with the operational procedures, including individual work steps of all parties involved, we were able to achieve very high-quality results and dive deeply into our process architecture.

Tipp: Check out our webinar on successfully optimizing business processes, to learn about the methods you can use to strategically improve your processes.

BOC Group: Have the new processes and optimization potentials already been applied in projects?

Ralf Schumann: Yes, the results could quickly be used in actual digitalization projects. There, we were able to already incorporate our newly established process documentation. For example, the creation of a specification sheet for IT projects was driven forward. But this was not the only benefit. Another advantage was that we have sensitized the entire organization to process-oriented thinking. In the meantime, we also hired a new employee who will be a responsible for BPM at JURA Materials moving forward.

BOC Group: What are your next steps in process optimization / process management?

Ralf Schumann: First of all, the 90 identified improvement measures need to be scheduled and ultimately implemented as part of follow-up projects. Then we have to prioritize the measures that can be implemented more quickly and with fewer resources. There are activities that are more complex and affect several interfaces. Thus, our aim is to prioritize them thoroughly. Another topic is that we plan to introduce Business Process Management to the entire organization, beyond just the sales department. Gradually, all processes in all business areas will be modelled.

Tipp:  For a comprehensive look at process analysis and optimization, take a look at this blog post: Process Analysis and Optimization.

BOC Group: What did you particularly like about working with BOC Group?

Ralf Schumann: We especially appreciated BOC’s pragmatic approach and their ability to understand our business. There was a clear demonstration of flexibility and experience. What was also essential for us, was the introduction of process-oriented thinking. Indeed, this represents a strong cultural change. We are just at the beginning of our journey and we liked that BOC’s consultants accompanied us very professionally and with the appropriate empathy, in the course of our interviews and workshops.

BOC Group: Mr. Schumann, thank you so much for your time. We wish you continued success with your organizational transformation!

Ralf Schumann: Thank you very much! You’re welcome.

The Consulting Project Process Optimization and Business Process Management at JURA Materials at a Glance

JURA’s consulting assignment for BOC Group resulted in the definition of 90 process optimization potentials through a GAP analysis. In the offer-to-cash process, pain points were identified, logged, and recommendations for further action derived. In addition, BOC Group assisted JURA Materials in establishing their BPM organization and culture by laying the foundation for a process-oriented style of thinking. This means that employees now have a higher awareness of process thinking and have become more holistically involved. This allows for a permanent integration of the BPM approach in the organization, empowering the organization to live up to its motto, “we are making ourselves fit for the future”.

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