Información confiable.
Mejores decisiones
Solo con productos BOC.
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Logros que le impulsan hacia delante.
Proveedor representativo
Guía de mercado EBPA de Gartner 2021
Suite BPM totalmente compatible con BPMN 2.0
Suite EA certificada ArchiMate 3
The Open Group 2020
Servicios en la nube con certificación ISO 27000
CIS GmbH 2020
Leader para la arquitectura empresarial
Leader in Gartner EA MQ 2023
Líder en suites de gestión de arquitectura empresarial
The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Architecture
Management Suites, Q1 2023
Logros que le impulsan hacia delante.
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The Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice badge is a trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Gartner or its affiliates.